Viewfield 7.x-2.x, xxxx-xx-xx ----------------------------- #1784880 by aaronbauman, DamienMcKenna: Implemented token dialog. #1230534 by keithm, sun: Changed allowed_views to be an instance setting. #1230360 by keithm: Changed to remove custom token support. #1230414 by sun: Fixed force_default to be independent of cardinality. #1071212 by sun, keithm, imclean: Fixed viewfield rendering and theming support. #1216684 by sun: Merged include files into .module. #1230364 by sun, keithm: Fixed view select in field widget is removed when there is only one option. #1230316 by sun: Fixed disabled views can be selected. #1221440 by sun, keithm: Fixed bogus default value in field widget. #1181226 by sun, keithm, ConradFlashback: Changed to remove viewfield_views_query_alter(). #1207552 by sun, keithm: Changed to use instance defaults with force_default. #1209804 by sun, keithm: Changed force_default from widget to instance settings. #311587 by sun, keithm: Fixed force default handling again. #311587 by keithm: Fixed force default handling. #1048516 by GoZ, keithm: Fixed select list to test for deleted view. by sun: Fixed documentation, added test file. #1140810 by sun, keithm: Fixed entity handling and changed stack structure. #1140810 by keithm: Added support for all fieldable entities. #704014 by keithm: Added support for Drupal 7. Viewfield 6.x-2.x, xxxx-xx-xx ----------------------------- #416922 by keithm: Fixed update_6001 to check current size < 128 before update. #489908 by sun, keithm: Changed default value settings to field instance level. - $field['super_default'] is gone, which previously allowed saving nodes with no viewfield value, but then to use the field's configured default values automatically. This had an effect only for nodes that were created before the viewfield was created, because viewfields in nodes created after any field is created receive the configured default value preselected in the node edit form, and CCK/Field API always stores a value, even if it is the same as the default value. - $field['super_default_widget'] is equally gone, without replacement, as it merely completed aforementioned functionality. - $field['widget']['override_default'] is also gone, ditto. - $field['token_enabled'] is also gone, as we can replace both legacy tokens and Token module tokens without conflicts. - Global default values are migrated to the instance level. Viewfield 6.x-1.x, xxxx-xx-xx ----------------------------- #416922 by frjo, keithm: Fixed vname too short. #1052370 by Anclywen: Fixed unrestricted list of allowed views. #1120884 by keithm: Fixed viewfield creation notices. #647746 by sun: Fixed %author id of node not always passed to view. #571128 by sun: Fixed field setting labels and descriptions (UX). #535494 by sun, chaps2: Fixed view is processed twice for tokens. #831574 by sun: Fixed array_filter PHP warning. #510356 by etzel, sun: Fixed exposed filters submitting to front page. #477244 by muhleder, japanitrat, sun: Fixed empty view result output. Viewfield 6.x-1.0, 2010-08-24 ----------------------------- by sun: Fixed character encoding and line endings of all files. #509406 by sun, askibinski, KarenS: Fixed views field select options. #118764 by alex_b: Fixed typo in translating arguments. #100085 by Eaton: Implemented plugins as formatters. #235572 by plach. Updated to Drupal 6. by Zoltan Balogh: Added Hungarian translation. #348257 by jerdavis: Added selection of available view displays to viewfield drop-down lists. Allows users to select a specific view display rather than forcing them to create a new default display for each view. #367799 by webchick, jerdavis: Fixed metric boat-loads of notices. Cleaned up some code to remove some of the notices being thrown if error_reporting is E_ALL. #301503 by plach, artis, radman16, jerdavis: Fixed SQL error on non-node views. Added $table_queue check on $query to make sure we've got a node table in the queue before altering the query. #367799 by Darren Oh: Fixed more error notices. #386430 by muhleder: Fixed default value not being used until node is saved. #312131 by plach: Fixed argument caching. #376433 by revimage, jerdavis: Fixed lost settings when node is modified from outside the node edit form. Removed fieldset from viewfield in viewfield_select_process() and viewfield_field(). #399872 by burlap, jerdavis: Fixed views access control. Added $view->access() check to view execution and rendering in _viewfield_get_view_content(). #416922 by Darren Oh: Fixed lost settings on default views. by Darren Oh: Fixed error notice when force default is on. by Darren Oh: Reverted previous commit. Arguments would not display on the field settings page when force default was on. #386430 by Darren Oh: Reverted patch. Patch prevented nodes from overriding default values. by Darren Oh: Organized code and fixed coding standards compliance. by Darren Oh: Fixed more error notices. by Darren Oh: Added translation template. by Darren Oh: Fixed typo in changelog. by Darren Oh: Moved theme functions file to theme directory. by Darren Oh: Changed install file description. by Darren Oh: Fixed update to enable fields. by Zoltan Balogh: Updated Hungarian translation. #373373 by ramsalt: Fixed page view changing node title. #416922 by Darren Oh: Fixed upgrade for existing fields. #434920 by Darren Oh: Fixed argument defaults being lost on save. by Darren Oh: Fixed user keyword. by Darren Oh: Fixed caching error. #480432 by Aren Cambre, hadsie, scottrigby, jerdavis: Error when creating new viewfield. Added is_array() check to prevent errors when the field is first being created. #480432 by Darren Oh: Improved original fix to prevent error on line 276. by Darren Oh: Fixed undefined variable errors. #568304 by Darren Oh: Fixed rendering of fieldgroups after fieldgroup containing viewfield. A viewfield in a fieldgroup would prevent subsequent fieldgroups from being rendered if the build mode was not full. #568304 by Darren Oh: Fixed missing fieldgroups in full node view after last change. Viewfield 5.x-1.x, 2007-02-05 ----------------------------- by mfredrickson: Fixed ID for author argument token. Was using node ID instead of user ID. #100971 by eaton, webchick, alex_b, yched, and stefano73: Updated to Drupal 5. Some changes to the implementation: * More reliance on the views formatters (as seems to be the norm for CCK fields now) for formatting regular node views. * The full node formatter is now the "default". This may break some existing views. It's worth the pain. * Added paging as per stefano73/alex_b's work. Relatively untested, but it looks good so far. (Thanks!) Viewfield 4.7.x-1.x, 2006-11-10 ------------------------------- by mfredrickson: Initial commit. Nodes hold content. Views save queries. Wouldn't be great if a node could hold a saved query? Now it can. Viewfield is a CCK field module that allows administrators to put views directly into nodes. When creating a node, users can select from a list of views. When the node is displayed, the view is run and the content is inserted into the body of the node.