Kaltura 7.x-2.1, 2015-04-07 --------------------------- Important! Kaltura module now requires Libraries module to be installed and enabled. We moved Kaltura Client plugin out of the Kaltura module directory into Libraries. Before upgrading, please make sure that you have Libraries installed and enabled. You can download Kaltura Client library from here and it needs to be placed into sites/all/libraries/KalturaClient/ directory. You can also download Kaltura Client using Drush command "drush kaltura-client-install" (available after module upgrade). - #2430519: Use Library API for Kaltura Client plugin - #2254945: Videos will not be displayed on https - #2453925: Add media screen keeps loading - #2420823: Curl SSL verification error. - #2196547: FataFatal error kaltura.admin.inc on line 1294 - #1298170: Service "permission" does not exists in KalturaClientBase->throwExceptionIfError() (line 434 of KalturaClientBase.php) - #1256054: Not able to see kaltura data in content - #1090008: Kaltura 2.x-dev cannot work in Drupal 7 Kaltura 2.0 oferc: o Working with the Andromeda version o Upgraded to latest KalturaClient o Switched to Session admin when creating entries (in order to be able to update adminTags) o For entry removed the double node creation o Notifications are now working for remix (doesn't duplicate entries) o Reenabled video comments o Change of default players o The import entries page is working o !!!! Bug Fix: uploaded content was attributed to anonymous. The fix might cause problems to users already using the extensions !!! When starting the session we now use the user_id (the correct option) and the not the user name o Change player selection to be fetched from server(+ defualt players) o Native support for kaltura CE o Custom uploaders & editors Kaltura 1.5 Features o module now using KDP v2.x o admins can switch between Simple Editor and Advanced Editor in kaltura_settings.php (I plan to make this a setting available from admin/settings/kaltura) o split 'edit kaltura mix' into 'edit own kaltura mix' and 'edit all kaltura mixes' and differentiate between the two when attempting to remix video o added cloning fucntionality (/kaltura/clone/[entry ID]/[content type]/), and added confirmation page (/kaltura/clone/[entry ID]/[content type]/confirm) o if user tries to remix another users mix and they don't have 'edit all kaltura mixes' access or access to edit that node, the mix will be cloned and a new node will be created. o added embed code box and 'view Kaltura embed code' permission Internal Bug Fixes: o Various fixes to get CCK integration working correctly o Various updates to make code work with api v3 Known Issues: o There's currently no effective difference between Kaltura Mixes and Kaltura Entries o Adding partner information for the first time returns blank screen. Partner info is saved, however. o Notifications not fully implemented Kaltura 1.4 Features o Cormac: Updated code to use api v3 Kaltura 1.3 Features o #351221 - makara: Module files organized in subfolders o New playlist CSS o #351723 - ptwob132: module now supports PHP4 o #352076 - richshaw: media field fixed to get all uploads from 1 session Internal Bug Fixes: o Duration formatting in playlist fixed for leading zeros Kaltura 1.2 Internal Bug Fixes: o function kaltura_use_uiconf invoked a wrong hook "use_widget" - updated to "use_uiconf" o playlist CSS fix for IE o added partner type (102) to partner registration o playlist creation on installation - now verifies that 'views' exists (can't rely on dependencies only) o contribution wizard variables are passed as URL encodeed JSON string Features o SEO links in player can be removed from module's settings Kaltura 1.0 o Initial release