UPGRADE A NEW VERSION ---------------------- If you are upgrading from an old version of elysia_cron you should simply replace module files. You don't even need to execute the "update.php" drupal process: Elysia cron will detect the new version on its first run and updates itself automatically. INSTALLATION ------------- For the basic install you only need to enable the module and Elysia Cron will be up and running. You can stop here if you don't need a great precision over task execution and you don't have to execute a task more often than once an hour. For example, if you need only the "Once a day", "Once a week" or "Once a month" schedule rules the basic install is fine. Instead, if you need: - to run some tasks more often than once an hour (eg: you have a function that should be executed every 5 minutes) - to execute a task at an exact time (eg:you must run a function at exactly "17:23") ... you must follow Step B STEP B: CHANGE SYSTEM CRONTAB (OPTIONAL) ----------------------------------------- To get the full potential out of elysia cron and have the full control over you tasks a further step is needed: you need to configure the system crontab to execute drupal cron every minute. To do this refer to the section "Configuring cron jobs" of drupal documentation: http://drupal.org/cron The only difference is that you should use the "* * * * *" rule part instead of "0 * * * *" or "45 * * * *" as described in the guide. While you're editing the system crontab, it's also recommended to replace the "/cron.php" part with "/sites/all/modules/elysia_cron/cron.php" (if you have installed elysia_cron in "sites/all/modules" directory). This is an optional step (you can leave "/cron.php" if you want), doing it will result in a better performance in bigger sites (elysia_cron's cron.php handles cache in a better way). For example: * * * * * wget -O - -q -t 1 http://www.example.com/sites/all/modules/elysia_cron/cron.php IF YOU WANT TO ENABLE CRON KEY SECURITY... ... you should also add the choosen cron key (from elysia_cron setup) to the call. Example: * * * * * wget -O - -q -t 1 http://www.example.com/sites/all/modules/elysia_cron/cron.php?cron_key=12345678 That's all, now you can go the the cron administration page to configure your tasks. (NOTE: In D7, having a system crontab defined, you can set the "Run cron on visitor's requests, every" setting to "Never") By default elysia_cron will run all standard cron jobs sequentially (in a single channel) once an hour. You can change this behavious with elysia_cron setup. To access elysia_cron setup, and change the scheduling of your jobs or view execution stats, go to cron page from administration menu. Note: to better see warnings on administration page you should consider adding a rule for "warn" class to theme CSS stylesheet, like this one: .warn { color: red; font-weight: bold; } PERMISSIONS ------------ There are three permission provided by module: * Administer elysia cron - Perform changes to cron jobs timings, disable cron or single jobs and access cron execution statistics; * Execute elysia cron jobs - Allow users to view statistics, execution status and do manually execute cron jobs; * View elysia cron stats - Allows users to view statistics and execution status of cron jobs;