{# /** * @file * Theme override for the CKEditor settings toolbar. * * Available variables: * - multiple_buttons: A list of buttons that may be added multiple times. * - disabled_buttons: A list of disabled buttons. * - active_buttons: A list of active button rows. * * @see template_preprocess_ckeditor_settings_toolbar() */ #} {% apply spaceless %}
{{ 'Toolbar configuration'|t }}
{%- trans -%} Move a button into the Active toolbar to enable it, or into the list of Available buttons to disable it. Buttons may be moved with the mouse or keyboard arrow keys. Toolbar group names are provided to support screen reader users. Empty toolbar groups will be removed upon save. {%- endtrans -%}
{# Available buttons. #}
    {% for disabled_button in disabled_buttons %} {{ disabled_button.value }} {% endfor %}
{# Dividers. #}
    {% for multiple_button in multiple_buttons %} {{ multiple_button.value }} {% endfor %}
{# Active toolbar. #}
{% endapply %}