Geofield is an advanced module for storing, managing and representing dynamic Geographic data in Drupal. It supports all geo-types (points, lines, polygons, multi types geometries, etc.), and integrates with various Js Mapping Libraries (Google Maps, Leaflet, Open Layers, etc.) and advanced Geocoding / Reverse Geocoding functionalities, via many other Drupal Geo Mapping modules.

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Widgets (Data Input)

Latitude and Longitude
Supports entering data as both Decimal Degrees (122.340932) and Degrees-Minutes-Seconds (-123° 49' 55.2" W). The Degrees-Minutes-Seconds input is very tolerant of inconsistent input.

Bouding Box
Four textfields where lat / lon can be entered

Well Known Text (WKT)
A textarea for direct WKT input

Draw on an OpenLayers Map
Allows drawing of Points, Lines, Polygons and Bounding Boxes

HTML5 Geolocation
Transparently asks the browser for the user's current location. Works great on Chrome and smartphones with GPS.

Geocode from another field
There is native integrations with the Geocoder module ( This allows you to use data from one field to populate your geofield automatically. Supported geocoders include:

Formatters (Data Output)

Latitude and Longitude
Supports display as both Decimal Degrees (122.340932) and Degrees-Minutes-Seconds (-123° 49' 55.2" W)

Well Known Text (WKT)


KML is the format used by Google Earth

GPX is the format used by GPS devices

Google Maps, Leaflet and OpenLayers (only for D7) Maps
Display your data on a map, integrating other Drupal Geofield Mapping modules (see below).

Installation and Setup

For Drupal 7 version all you need to do is install the Drupal GeoPHP module, which is required by geofield.

Drupal 8 & 9, and GeoPHP library dependency

Since 8.x-1.0-alpha2 version, this module is not depending on Drupal GeoPHP module anymore.
The Drupal 8 & 9 version of Geofield module needs to be installed using Composer, it means simply running the following command from your project root (where the main composer.json file is sited):

$ composer require 'drupal/geofield'

This process will also download the required GeoPHP library dependency, that will be sited in the /vendor folder (as Drupal 8 default settings).

Note: Since version 8.x-1.20 Geofield also supports the Ludwig module/project, that offers an alternative to users who are not friendly with the command line tools or want to avoid Composer usage for other reasons.

Once installed you can enable the module in the usual way, both from the extend/modules backend interfaces or via drush with the following command:

$ drush en geofield

Once enabled the module it will be possible to add a "Geofield" field type to
any entity type/bundle and then choose the preferred widget or formatter.

Compatible Modules



A special thanks to the following organization for sponsoring the development of geofield: HighWire Press, Phase 2, and GeoScienceWorld. Also, thanks to all of our contributing developers and many others who have helped with bug fixing and documentation.
