# Boxes Boxes module is a reimplementation of the custom blocks (boxes) that the core block module provides. It is a proof of concept for what a re-worked block module could do. The module assumes that custom blocks are configuration, and not content. This means that it is a reasonable action to ask for all blocks at one time, this is in fact exactly what the core block module does. ## Features **Inline editing.** Boxes provides an inline interface for editing blocks, allowing you to change the contents of blocks without going to an admin page. **Exportability.** Boxes provided blocks can be exported into code. Note; this includes the settings for the boxes themselves and not visibility rules. For exporting visibility settings the Context[1] module is recommended. **Pluggable box types.** Boxes includes a basic "box type" that mimics how custom blocks behave in core. Boxes is designed to allow for modules to provide additional "box types" that have different configuration and rendering options. ## Chaos tools support Boxes provides exportables for its blocks via the required Chaos tools[2] module. This allows modules to provide blocks in code that can be overwritten in the UI. Chaos tools is required to use Boxes. ## Spaces support Boxes provides a Spaces[3] controller class that allows individual spaces to override a particular block, or even define a completely new block for a specific space. Spaces is not required by boxes. ## Todo * Boxes need language awareness. * The inline editing experience could be nicer. [1] http://drupal.org/project/context [2] http://drupal.org/project/ctools [3] http://drupal.org/project/spaces