INSTALLATION ------------ 1. Download Media Gallery from Always use the latest official release. Unpack it in your contributed modules directory (usually sites/all/modules). 2. Download other necessary projects. In addition to Media Gallery itself, you'll need several other modules and libraries on your site in order for your site's gallery functionality to work as designed. You should generally download the latest official release of each project. However, this version of Media Gallery has been specifically tested with the versions shown in parentheses below. If you do not use these exact versions, it is likely that this release will not work correctly. Required: a. Media (latest 1.x release, tested with 7.x-1.2) - Download from and unpack it in your contributed modules directory (usually sites/all/modules). b. Multiform (7.x-1.0) - Download from and unpack it in your contributed modules directory (usually sites/all/modules). c. ColorBox jQuery plugin (latest release, tested with 1.3.17) - Download from and unpack it in sites/all/libraries (if the directory doesn't exist, create it first). Recommended for the best experience: a. Media Browser Plus (latest release, tested with 7.x-1.0-beta3) - Download from and unpack it in your contributed modules directory (usually sites/all/modules). b. Media YouTube (latest release, tested with 7.x-1.0-beta3) - Download from and unpack it in your contributed modules directory (usually sites/all/modules). c. Plupload (latest release, tested with 7.x-1.0) - First, download the module from and unpack it in your contributed modules directory (usually sites/all/modules). - Next, download the Plupload JavaScript library from (latest release, tested with and unpack it in sites/all/libraries (if the directory doesn't exist, create it first). See the Plupload module's README.txt file for up-to-date instructions. 3. Enable the modules. a. Visit your site's Administration > Modules page. b. Enable Media Gallery itself to get the basic gallery functionality working. This will automatically enable all required modules. c. Optionally enable Media Browser Plus to get a better experience browsing and adding media to your galleries. d. Optionally enable Media YouTube to allow you to add YouTube videos to your galleries. e. Optionally enable Plupload to allow you to quickly add large numbers of images to your gallery at once, rather than having to upload them one at a time. GETTING STARTED --------------- There are a lot of fun things you can do with this module. Here are some suggestions for getting started: 1. Go to Add content, and create a gallery. 2. The gallery will be empty by default, so use the "Add media" link to quickly upload a few images from your computer. Now you have a completely functional gallery, just like that! 3. Use the "Add media" link again, and switch to the "Web" tab. Find a YouTube video you like, and paste its URL there. Now it will be in the gallery too. (Note that the "Library" tab allows you to add existing media items from your site - for example, images that were uploaded using other modules - to the gallery as well.) 4. Back in the gallery, you can use drag-and-drop to rearrange the images and videos to your liking. 5. Use the "Edit media" tab to quickly edit all your items at once (for example, to give each item in the gallery a description, or to tag it). 6. Now click on one of the images in your gallery and watch it pop up in a lightbox. Inside the lightbox, you can scroll through the gallery items individually, or watch them play in a slideshow. Note that you can play your video from inside the lightbox also. 7. Back in the gallery, you can use the "Edit gallery" tab to customize several ways in which the gallery displays, and also make the gallery available as a block (which you can then place on your site by going to Administration > Structure > Blocks). 8. Your site's main menu should have a link called Galleries which was automatically added when you turned on the module. This page displays a collection of all the galleries you created. You can use drag-and-drop to rearrange the galleries here also. 9. The "Edit all galleries" tab that's available from here also lets you customize some additional aspects of how the Galleries page is displayed. There's lots more to explore, so have fun! CAVEATS ------- This module is still in beta, and many of the modules it depends on are in beta themselves, or even in alpha. We therefore don't recommend using it on production sites, unless you're able to tolerate bugs, maintain frequent database backups of your site, and keep up-to-date on the module's development so that you can quickly apply any patches if security issues are discovered. (As per Drupal's official policy at, security issues discovered in a module which has an alpha, beta, or other non-stable release will not result in an advisory being issued and may be discussed publicly before a fix is available.) If you find bugs, please use the "Issues for Media Gallery" section at to search for existing bug reports about the same issue, and if there isn't one, file a new bug report. Please help us make this module better! In addition to coding and reporting bugs, we can use help managing the issue queue as well as writing documentation. If you want to help but don't know how, feel free to file a support request in the issue queue, and we'll get you started with some suggestions.