{# /** * @file * Theme override for each "box" on the display query edit screen. * * Available variables: * - attributes: HTML attributes to apply to the container element. * - actions: Action links such as "Add", "And/Or, Rearrange" for the content. * - title: The title of the bucket, e.g. "Fields", "Filter Criteria", etc. * - content: Content items such as fields or settings in this container. * - name: The name of the bucket, e.g. "Fields", "Filter Criteria", etc. * - overridden: A boolean indicating the setting has been overridden from the * default. * * @see template_preprocess_views_ui_display_tab_bucket() * * @ingroup themeable */ #} {% set classes = [ 'views-ui-display-tab-bucket', name ? name|clean_class, overridden ? 'overridden', ] %} {% if title or actions %}
{% if title -%}

{{ title }}

{%- endif %} {% if actions -%}
{{ actions }}
{%- endif %}
{% endif %} {{ content }}