{# /** * @file * Default theme implementation for displaying translation status information. * * Displays translation status information per language. * * Available variables: * - modules: A list of modules names that have available translation updates. * - updates: A list of available translation updates. * - not_found: A list of modules missing translation updates. * * @see template_preprocess_locale_translation_update_info() * * @ingroup themeable */ #}
Show description {% if modules %} {% set module_list = modules|safe_join(', ') %} {% trans %}Updates for: {{ module_list }}{% endtrans %} {% elseif not_found %} {%- trans -%} Missing translations for one project {%- plural not_found|length -%} Missing translations for @count projects {%- endtrans -%} {% endif %} {% if updates or not_found %}
{% if updates %} {% endif %} {% if not_found %} {# Prefix the missing updates list if there is an available updates lists before it. #} {% if updates %} {{ 'Missing translations for:'|t }} {% endif %} {% if not_found %} {% endif %} {% endif %}
{% endif %}