Credits ------- Thanks to Mark James for the icons To add a cron job you can use either hook_cron() or use configuration files with custom parameters for multiple/additional cron jobs in a module. The easiest way to declare a cron job is tu use hook_cron() and then configure the cron job through the UI and export it, then change the cron jobs callback method. Another way to register a cron job is to add a cron configuration object in a custom module. In your custom module add in the sub directory my_module/config/optional a yaml file named ultimate_cron.job.my_custom_cron_job_name.yml For an example see the cron configuration of the simplenews module: After installing the custom module the configuration will become available. During development you can use the config_devel module to import configuration. The cron configuration yaml file could look like: langcode: en status: true dependencies: module: - user title: 'Pings users' id: user_ping module: my_module callback: _my_module_user_ping_cron scheduler: id: simple configuration: rules: - '*/5+@ * * * *' launcher: id: serial configuration: timeouts: lock_timeout: 3600 max_execution_time: 3600 launcher: max_threads: 1 logger: id: database configuration: method: '3' expire: 1209600 retain: 1000 The following details of the cron job can be specified: - "title": The title of the cron job. If not provided, the name of the cron job will be used. - "module": The module where this job lives. - "callback": The callback to call when running the job. Defaults to the job name. - "scheduler": Default scheduler (plugin type) for this job. - "launcher": Default launcher (plugin type) for this job. - "logger": Default logger (plugin type) for this job.