Outcome of Track 1:

Design completed for exactly what the GPO will do and how, including a new GPO fund to be established.

Output of Track 1:

A GPO Framework Document, summarizing this design. This document would be completed at the end of this process, together with the design phase, and the partnership would begin to rollout concrete actions on this basis.

Track 1
Overall Design for GPO
Intermediate Outcome:

To identify with stakeholders and partners the specific fisheries and aquaculture activities to be supported by the GPO, in order to achieve the relevant outcomes in the GPO Declaration.


Actions needed to achieve 50-in-10 target, and relevant sections of the GPO Framework Document finalized.

Fisheries & Aquaculture

CONTACT: Jim Anderson

Intermediate Outcome:

To identify with stakeholders and partners the specific habitat conservation activities to be supported by the GPO, in order to achieve the relevant outcomes in the GPO Declaration.


Relevant sections of the Framework Document finalized.

Habitat Conservation

CONTACT: Pawan Patil

Intermediate Outcome:

To identify with stakeholders and partners the specific pollution reduction activities to be supported by the GPO, in order to achieve the relevant outcomes in the GPO Declaration.


Relevant sections of the Framework Document finalized.

Pollution Reduction

CONTACT: Jostein Nygard

Intermediate Outcome:

Ensure that the design of the GPO as reflected in the Framework Document sufficiently takes into account the likely scenarios for climate change and ocean acidification, and their projected impacts on ocean ecosystems and the targeted outcomes for the GPO.


A short note proposing recommendations for any adjustments needed, to be captured in the Framework Document, with a view to enhancing coastal adaptation and resilience, particularly to ocean acidification.

Climate Change

CONTACT: Peter Kristensen

Intermediate Outcome:

Interested partners to identify the key knowledge management/sharing tools and activities needed to support the activities of the GPO.


Relevant sections of the Framework Document finalized.

Knowledge Portal

CONTACT: Pawan Patil

Intermediate Outcome:

An independent panel of internationally-recognized experts and thought leaders to provide guidance and recommendations on strategic direction and design of GPO, including the principles for selecting priority areas for investment, as well as key approaches most likely to succeed, any major knowledge gaps, and measures of success.


A short report, also delivered as a keynote address at summit (see below).

Blue Ribbon Panel

CONTACT: Jim Anderson

Intermediate Outcome:

Compile a transparent baseline of investment by partners in healthy oceans, by region.

Database of Partner Investments

CONTACT: John Virdin

Intermediate Outcome:

All partners have the opportunity to review and comment on the Framework Document.


Summary matrices of comments from partners, and revised Framework Document.

Partner Review of Framework Document

CONTACT: John Virdin

Outcome of Track 2:

GPO design is based on robust consultation with a wide range of stakeholders and partners, and includes a practical communication strategy for implementation.

Output of Track 2:

Participation in a number of consultations; development of a GPO communication strategy as part of design.

Track 2
GPO Partnership Engagement. Communication & Consultations
GPO Partnership Engagement. Communication & Consultations

CONTACT: Peter Kristensen

Outcome of Track 3:

GPO is designed with strong engagement by the private sector, to ensure that the partnership leverages sustainable private investment in healthier oceans, as well as supports development of any new mechanisms needed to encourage this investment, such as an innovation fund/private equity investment fund.

Output of Track 3:

Targeted consultation with key industries based on the health of the oceans, as well as development of needed mechanisms to encourage increased private investment in healthier oceans.

Track 3
Private Sector Engagement & Finance
Seafood Industry

CONTACT: Mike Arbuckle

Intermediate Outcome:

GPO tourism strategies are designed to attract the significant and sustained engagement of the tourism industry, as well as intergovernmental tourism associations and international non-state actors, in partnership initiatives aimed at leveraging sustainable tourism investment in healthier oceans.


Targeted consultation with tourism industry, international development agencies and intergovernmental organizations to identify examples and models where investment in sustainable tourism has improved the health of oceans, as part of the design of the GPO. Through consultations with private sector leaders, identify ways and means of attracting sustainable financing and drawing dedicated investment into the ocean friendly tourism sector.

Tourism Sector

CONTACT: Lelei Lelaulu

Transport & Energy Industries

CONTACT: Peter Kristensen

Design Ocean Innovation Fund/Private Equity Investment Fund

CONTACT: Pawan Patil

Outcome of Track 4:

In up to 3 examples, interested GPO partners work together in a key ocean area with interested Governments, to identify key actions needed to help achieve the GPO's targeted outcomes over the coming years, and additional sources of finance for those actions.

Output of Track 4:

GPO Action Plans prepared for up to 3 examples - including Western & Central Pacific, Wider Caribbean and SW Indian Ocean.

Track 4
Development of 3 examples of GPO Action Plans and Investments
SW Indian Ocean

CONTACT: John Virdin

Western & Central Pacific

CONTACT: John Virdin

Wider Caribbean

CONTACT: John Virdin

Outcome of Track 5:

Process underway for mobilization of US$100 million for the GPO fund in the coming years.

Output of Track 5:

Commitments for initial capitalization of GPO fund.

Track 5
GPO Resource Mobilization
Intermediate Outcome:

Initial seed funding secured to start GPO actions for healthier oceans, from the World Bank's Development Grant Facility (DGF).


Over $2 million grants committed to examples of GPO action in SW Indian Ocean and Western Pacific, over 3 years.

World Bank Seed Funding (DGF)

CONTACT: Pawan Patil

Intermediate Outcome:

Start-up funds secured for GPO design and rollout.


Start-up funding secured for 2012/2013.

Start-up funding for GPO design

CONTACT: Pawan Patil

Intermediate Outcome:

GPO fund (i.e. a multi-donor trust fund) established and capitalized to support early implementation of GPO. This is a pooled fund to kick-start implementation and will grow over time.


GPO fund established with initial commitments.

GPO fund (MDTF) for implementation

CONTACT: Pawan Patil

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August 2012
September 2012
October 2012
November 2012
December 2012
January 2013
February 2013
March 2013
April 2013
May 2013
June 2013
The Seafood Summit brings together global representatives from the seafood industry and conservation community for in-depth discussions around the issue of sustainable seafood. Representatives from the interim secretariat spoke with a number of colleagues and partners concerning the design of the GPO, including representatives from WorldFish Center, the Prince's Charities International Sustainability Unit, the Australia Fisheries Research and Development Corporation, CP Foods, National Geographic Society, Bloomberg Foundation, Packard Foundation, the Sustainable Trade Initiative, Environmental Defense Fund, Marine Stewardship Council, HCW Consulting, FishWise, Fair Trade USA, Environmental Justice Foundation and WWF.
Seafood Summit
Global Outlook for Aquaculture Leadership Meeting
See attached website for summary of outcomes of the meeting, which provides recommendations to the technical design of the GPO: http://www.sustainablefoodlab.org/50in10
50 in 10 Vancouver Meeting
Objective: Jim Anderson will present in response to a request of the Joint Sub-Committee on Aquaculture of the U.S. Congress to present the GPO and aquaculture. January 17, D.C., USA
Presentation to US Congress Committee on Aquaculture
A workshop was held on "Financing the Transition to Global Sustainable Fisheries" sponsored by The Prince's Charities, International Sustainability Unit (ISU) at the Royal Academy of Sciences in London, Jan 22-23, 2013. The workshop evaluated case studies that ranged from fisheries transitions in Pacific groundfish to Indonesian swimming crab. Each case study considered the cost of transitioning fisheries and the possible role of the World Bank and private financing in funding the transition and reducing the risk in fisheries investments. There were high expectations that the World Bank would be engaged in creating equity funds, 'green' bonds for fisheries and give technical assistance to countries to develop reform plans. GPO partners including WWF, SFP and MSC were active participants.The second session was an in depth discussion on Fishery Improvement Projects (FIPs) and how to measure progress in the development of FIPs. The key conclusion was that FIPs need to consider economic and social indicators in addition to biological/ecological indicators.
Meeting of Prince's Charities on Fisheries
On Feb 1, 2013 Dr. Jim Anderson from the World Bank visited the University of Washington, College of the Environment to discuss Fisheries Performance Indicators, and representatives of the institution indicated a high degree of interest in participating in the GPO.
Meeting at U. of Washington to refine Fisheries Indicators
Seafood certification + Aquaculture Action Planning Session at the World Aquaculture Society Meeting
Objective: Interim Secretariat will attend in order to consult with key stakeholders on GPO design for aquaculture. Location: Nashville, USA. March 21 - 25.
Aquaculture America Meeting
Science and Sustainability Forum on Sust. Aquaculture: Boston, USA
Objective: Showcase results of design at Partners Meeting.
Showcase innovative solutions for sustainable fisheries and aquaculture
The World Conservation Congress event highlighted opportunities for scaling up habitat and biodiversity solutions through the GPO. Co-sponsored by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), The Nature Conservancy (TNC), Conservation International (CI), and the World Bank, the event was well attended and generated notable new interest in the Partnership. Lessons from the Coral Triangle, Pacific Mangroves Initiative, and UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre were presented by experts from Rare, IUCN Oceania, and TNC, sparking lively dialogue, with a notable take-away being the importance of "protection +" – that is, effective protected area management which also creates benefits for local communities. The event was opened by Julia Marton- Lefèvre, Director General of IUCN, Russ Mittermeier, President of CI, and Imen Meliane, Director of International Marine Policy at TNC.
World Conservation Congress side event
At the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) COP in Hyderabad, India - a large group of country and organization representatives gathered on 17 October 2012 - to endorse the principles of the CBD's Sustainable Ocean Initiative (SOI). The SOI aims to build partnerships and enhance capacity to achieve the Aichi Biodiversity Targets related to marine and coastal biodiversity. World Bank Director for Agriculture and Environmental Services Juergen Voegele spoke at the event and welcomed the SOI which, he said, complemented the Global Partnership for Oceans. "If we want to make a difference we need a multitude of partnerships," he said. Other speakers (CBD, UNDP, UNCLOS) also mentioned the GPO as an important new player in helping put the Aichi Targets into action. In addition, in a speech to the plenary of the Conference of the Parties to the CBD, World Bank Vice President Rachel Kyte reiterated the World Bank’s commitment to apply its capital, convening services and technical assistance to help deliver the Aichi targets, noting the creation of the GPO to help move at the scale and speed that is needed to restore the health of the world’s oceans.
Convention on Biological Diversity COP
Objective: Group of interested GPO partners formed to provide recommendations on innovative models for habitat conservation, to inform GPO design.
GPO habitats working group (Contact: Lynne Hale)
The Caribbean Challenge Initiative (CCI), an effort of a number of countries to declare additional actions for marine habitat conservation, and supported by GPO partners such as The Nature Conservancy, will hold a Ministerial meeting in Puerto Rico on March 21st. The meeting could also be an occasion to discuss and showcase innovative models for habitat conservation that could be supported by the GPO.
CCI Ministerial Meeting
Objective: To confirm recommendations for GPO design. Meeting time and location to be confirmed.
GPO habitats working group meeting
Objective: Showcase results of design at GPO Partners' Meeting.
Showcase innovative solutions for habitat conservation
At the First meeting of the Protocol Concerning Land-Based Sources and Activities in the Wider Caribbean (WC) Region (LBS COP1) on October 27, and the Twelfth Meeting of the Contracting parties of the Convention for the Protection and Development of the Marine Environment of the WC Region ("Cartagena Convention") on October 25-26, a presentation was given on the GPO. The presentation outlined the perspectives of potentially targeting the Wider Caribbean as a priority ocean area for the GPO program, both in a panel discussions of the protocol and in the plenary of the Cartagena Convention. Particular focus was made on carrying out a Water Quality Management (WCM) report (ref. para 64 of the GPO Framework Document) for the Wider Caribbean region of which a draft edition could be presented together by members of the Cartagena Convention, UNEP, the Caribbean Environmental Program (CEP) and the World Bank. As a result, both Cartagena Convention members and the CEP worked on strengthening the collaboration with the GPO and Decisions from the Cartagena Convention (as of October 2012) include statements concerning: “(i) the opportunities for partnership between the Wider Caribbean region and the GPO, (ii) acknowledges the decision of the LBS COP1 for further collaboration with the GPO, and (iii) requests that further development of the State of Convention Area Report (SOCAR) with technical guidance from the Working Group on Monitoring and Assessment could form the framework for facilitating further discussions on the GPO (i.e. in practice developing the WCM report for the WC region together with the GPO)."
Wider Caribbean Meeting on GPA Protocol
In Miami, USA, November 13 - 15, the GPO Interim Secretariat participated in a meeting of the World Ocean Assessment to To provide inputs to the Caribbean part of the assessment, including inputs that can be provided through the pollution component of the GPO.
Meeting on World Ocean Assessment
The GPO Interim Secretariat participated with other GPO partners in the World Meeting on Marine (Plastic) Litter in DC and San Fransciso Dec. 3-4, to elaborate on solution models for handling marine (plastic) litter pollution.
World Marine (Plastic) Litter Meetings
See Track 4 re WQM Study Launch
Pollution Consultation (tbc) in margins of WOC Summit
See Track 4 re WQM Study Presentation
Objective: Showcase results of design at GPO Partners' Meeting.
Showcase models for pollution reduction
Objective: To summarize in a short 2 - 3 page note the potential impacts of a 4 degree world on ocean ecosystems based on current information, and potential impacts on GPO objectives and targeted outcomes. Input to Framework Document and design. Would also identify any additional work needed to ensure that GPO design reflects projected impacts from climate change and acidification, and supports maximum adaptation by coastal countries.
Preparation of short note on GPO & Climate Change, led by Ove Hoegh-Guldberg
Objective: To brainstorm on how the GPO might communicate the lessons learned from investments in healthier oceans, and connect to a global audience. GPO participants included the GPO interim secretariat from the World Bank, Google, GRID-Arendal and Media Mobz, as well as a number of technology innovators such as Facebook and Upwell.
Consultations with tech. and innovation partners
Objective: Group of interested partners formed to design a knowledge portal to support GPO investments and activities.
GPO knowledge portal working group formed (Contact: Thor Loberg)
Knowledge Portal Concept/Design Note produced by group
Meeting location and date to be confirmed.
GPO knowledge portal working group meeting
Design of Knowledge Portal Prototype
Meeting location and date to be confirmed.
GPO knowledge portal working group 2nd meeting
Objective: Showcase results of design at GPO Partners' Meeting.
Showcase Knowledge Portal Design
Circulation of terms of reference for Panel & call for nominations
Circulation of 100+ nominees for voting by partners
Firm will manage panel and synthesize report.
Finalize panel composition & arrangements with firm
Objective: Familiarizing panel with one another and tasks, preliminary drafting of outline, establishing schedule for work division and expected panelist inputs, identification of knowledge gaps that can be addressed by outside experts at second meeting. The interim GPO Secretariat and the consultant firm will synthesize inputs and plan for next meeting. Meeting location: Washington, D.C.; USA
1st Blue Ribbon Panel Meeting
Interim GPO secretariat and consultant firm will continue to synthesize inputs and prepare logistical arrangements for second meeting.
Panelists draft contributions, prepare for 2nd meeting
Objectives: Reports by outside experts, synthesis of current panelist inputs, identification of panelist contributions and solidification of schedule moving forward. Interim GPO Secretariat and consultant firm will synthesis inputs to prepare draft report. Meeting Location: Potentially Sydney, Australia.
2nd Blue Ribbon Panel Meeting
Objectives: Provision of final inputs to report and built consensus of final product.
Final Blue Ribbon Panel Meeting
Final Report Printed and Issued
Database template circulated to Partners
Initial Database Available
First Draft Circulated
Second Draft Circulated
Final Draft
UN Oceans is an inter-agency coordination mechanism on ocean and coastal issues within the United Nations system, which includes a dozen UN agencies. The group held its annual meeting in Yeosu in August, which was attended by FAO, IMO, CDB, IOC, DOALOS, UNDP, UNEP, ISA, DESA, and the World Bank (ref www.unoceans.org). The meeting included a briefing on the GPO among the participating UN agencies.
UN Oceans at Meeting
This global conservation event was sponsored by a number of organizations, including GPO partners Google Oceans and the National Geographic Society, and the interim secretariat. The GPO was presented during the event, which also provided the opportunity for early stage discussions on the potential development of a knowledge platform in support of the GPO.
Blue: Global Ocean Film
At the annual meeting of the Clinton Global Initiative, a side event was held on the oceans that included former President Clinton from the United States, former President Figueres from Costa Rica, H.S.H. Prince Albert of Monaco, NOAA Administrator Jane Lubchenko, Philippe Cousteau and representatives from: Arctic Imperative, Center for American Progress, the Clinton Foundation, the Global Commission on Oceans, Marriott, Ocean Conservancy, Ocean Elders, Oceana (a GPO partner), Paso Pasifico, Pew, Puma, Seafarers Union, The Nature Conservancy (a GPO partner), Walton Foundation (a GPO partner), Wetlands International, WWF (a GPO partner), Virgin Unite. The meeting noted in particularly the importance of oceans to food security, and that the oceans can only play this role if they are healthy. The meeting covered a range of topics, but identified the key threats to healthy oceans as: (i) overfishing, (ii) habitat destruction, (iii) climate change and acidification, and (iv) pollution. There is strong interest in the Clinton Global Initiative to look at oceans in the coming year, and an interest in synergy with the Global Partnership for Oceans.
Clinton Global Initiative Annual Meeting
This meeting of Finance Ministers from over 30 states was hosted by the World Bank at the Annual Meetings in Tokyo on October 13, 2012. One of the two sessions focused on the Blue Economy and how the maritime endowment can be a sustainable source of growth, income and employment for small states, including challenges, good practices and potential areas of international support, such as the Global Partnership for Oceans (GPO). Juergen Voegele, Director of Agriculture and Environmental Services at the World Bank, started the session by presenting some of the opportunities in the blue economy, and then presented the GPO as a mechanism to help countries capture these opportunities. A wide discussion including a number of countries was held, resulting in the following statements issued publicly by the Chairman’s summing up: "We the representatives of small states, met at the Small States Forum on October 13, 2012…..We recognized the need to effectively manage our marine resources so that we can maximize returns from them, carefully considering further actions on (i) how to tackle the issue of illegal, unreported fishing in our EEZ to obtain a fairer and equitable return from ocean resources; and (ii) the development of sea-bed mining to achieve balance between economic development and environmental sustainability. We call on the World Bank and other development partners to help us find solutions to these challenges…We recognized that the health of the world’s oceans is a global challenge and can only be solved by coordinated action. We called on the international community to take into account the needs of small states in global actions related to the use and regulation of oceans, including in the design and implementation of the Global Partnership for Oceans."" The Agenda, the Chairman’s Summing Up and the Blue Economy Background Note can be found here: http://www.worldbank.org/en/news/2012/10/13/small-states-forum-sustainable-inclusive-growth-leveraging-blue-economy-finance-climate-change-natural-disasters
Small States Forum
At the close of the Annual Meetings, the World Bank Group’s Governors (i.e. the Finance and Economic Ministers of member countries) issued a communiqué at a closing press conference, which summarized a number of key points for the World Bank in its work going forward. In that communiqué, the Governors called on the Bank Group to support countries who want to incorporate natural capital accounting into growth plans, and lauded the Global Partnership for Oceans. The recognition and support for the GPO in the Governors’ formal statement at the close of the meetings is a very positive sign that this effort is on the right track.
World Bank Annual Meeting
Objective: Opportunity for participating GPO partners to discuss design and rollout of GPO.
Clinton Global Initiative Winter Meeting
Objective: To continue to discuss complementarity between UN Oceans Compact and GPO. Meeting Location: UN Headquarters, New York, USA
Consultation with UN SG's Oceans Compact Team
Objective: To prepare key communications protocols and strategy for GPO.
Completion of GPO Media and Comm. Strategy
Objective: Consultations with Government partners and Ministers of Finance on GPO final design. Meeting Location: D.C., USA
World Bank Spring Meeting
Partner's Meeting
This meeting included some 30 CEOs of some of the world's leading whitefish fishing, processing and marketing companies. The interim secretariat presented the GPO for discussion at a meeting chaired by the CEO of GPO partner Sanfords Ltd. The response from the participants was that the industry stands ready to support the efforts of the GPO, and to invest in more sustainable fisheries, where institutional reforms are introduced for clear and secure rights. Location: Berlin, Germany, October 9.
Whitefish CEO Meeting
The National Fisheries Institute (NFI) Global Seafood Market Conference was held in Santa Monica, CA from Jan 28-31, 2013, for senior management from the seafood industry. Over 320 industry leaders (Gen. Mgr., VP, Presidents and CEO) from around the world attended including all of the GPO fisheries –oriented partners ranging from Darden Restaurants to Nissui Group (Japan) to High Liner (Canada) and Bumble Bee Tuna. Dr. Jim Anderson presented an address on the status and drivers of change in the global aquaculture sector, and then held a number of follow-up discussions about the future of the seafood sector and the GPO.
Global Seafood Market Conference
Objective: Interim Secretariat will participate together with a number of GPO partners in the China Fish Show to discuss GPO design. Location: Beijing, China, February 23 - 26.
China Fish Show
Objective: A number of GPO partners will participate in this Asia Pacific Sustainable Seafood Market Transformation Strategy Workshop, sponsored by WWF & Packard Foundation. Location: Fiji, February 25
Asia Pacific Seafood Market Workshop
Objective: Consultations with a number of GPO partners from the seafood industry on design. Location: Boston, USA. March 10 - 12.
International Boston Seafood Show
Objective: Continued consultations with a number of GPO partners from seafood industry. Location: Oslo, Norway. March 4 - 6.
North Atlantic Seafood Forum
Aquaculture Insurance (Investment Risk Reduction) Meeting Istanbul, Turkey
An informal grouping of GPO partners with interest and experience in sustainable tourism met to brainstorm on ways and means of engaging the tourism sector in the work of the GPO. The George Washington University (GWU) International Institute of Tourism Studies hosted the brainstorming session at the GWU Business School in D.C., USA. The GPO tourism working group currently comprises a mix of private sector, academic, development and civil society tourism practitioners: Attending: Lelei LeLaulu (GPO interim secretariat), Prof. Kristin Lamoureux (director, International Institute of Tourism Studies), Chris Seek (CEO, Solimar International), Jonathan Tourtellot (National Geographic/Traveler), Randy Brummett (GPO interim secretariat), Anessa Kaufman (GWU/IITS), Keith Dokho(VP, Sustainable Travel International) By phone: Jamie Sweeting (VP, Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines), Peter Kristensen (GPO interim secretariat) Apologies: Shaun Mann (Tourism Investment Officer, IFC), Prof. Don Hawkins (Eisenhower Prof of Tourism Policy, GW Business School and special advisor to the UN World Tourism Organization), Prof. Liang Yu (GW Biz School expert on Chinese coastal and insular tourism), Michael Levett (chairman, Volunteers for Econ Growth Alliance) The group discussed a draft agenda for a wider GPO members meeting planned for January in Washington DC, to among others, present at least three models that could be potentially scaled up for GPO support.
Initial Brainstorming of GPO tourism working group
Objective: To identify some successful models for sustainable tourism that could be scaled up, and to identify key industry stakeholders that should be engaged in GPO design. Meeting date and location: January 23, World Bank, D.C., USA.
Meeting of GPO tourism working group
Meetings with key Private Sector Associations & Stakeholders
WTTC = World Travel & Tourism Council
Potential meeting with WTTC and regional bodies
Objective: To finalize recommendations for GPO design, and identify entry points for private partners
Meeting of GPO tourism working group & private sector stakeholders
Objective: To coordinate draft GPO tourism brand approaches to consolidate recommendations for GPO design.
GPO tourism working group coordinates recommendations for design
Showcase models for sustainable tourism
Ocean Summit sponsored by World Ocean Council with industry leaders. Contact: Paul Holthus
WOC Ocean Summit
Design Meeting (tbc)
Develop Process for Development of GPO Action Plans
This is the final meeting of the Governments participating in the SW Indian Ocean Fisheries Program financed by the GEF and implemented by the World Bank, which includes Comoros, Kenya, Madagascar, Mauritius, Mozambique, Seychelles, South Africa and Tanzania. Representatives from the GEF-funded Agulhas-Somali Large Marine Ecosystem Project will also participate, together with a number of donors, and a special session of the SW Indian Ocean Fisheries Commission will be held. Meeting location: United Republic of Tanzania, February 25 - March 1. The meeting would also be an occasion to discuss with interested Governments the process for preparing a GPO Action Plan for the SW Indian Ocean, including development of an engagement strategy and then an Action Plan for increased support by partners to the Governments, building on such ongoing initiatives.
Final Meeting of the SWIOFP
On the basis of initial discussions in February, April/May could likely be the timing for a regional consultation hosted by one of the interested Governments, with interested GPO partners to discuss additional actions to achieve GPO targeted outcomes, and any new investments/support needed from partners.
Potential Regional Consultation
A side event to present the GPO, as well as a potential investment package in the Pacific region by interested GPO partners, was held at the Pacific Islands Forum in Rarotonga. The event attracted over 100 guests and featured remarks from Prime Minister Henry Puna of the Cook Islands, President Anote Tong of Kiribati, Secretary General Neroni Slade of the Pacific Islands Forum, Nainoa Thompson of the Polynesian Voyaging Society, and Marea Hatziolos of the World Bank. Interested GPO partners announced plans for a Pacific Islands ocean investment package to build upon existing ocean activities like the Pacific Oceanscape Framework. The package, currently under consideration with leaders from eight Pacific Island countries, would target priorities where financing gaps have been identified or where innovation and private sector engagement could help transform markets for ocean goods and services toward greener production, including support for improved governance of tuna fisheries, creating value chains and sustainable jobs in near-shore fisheries and coastal development, protecting and restoring habitats, and reducing pollution. Meeting Location: Rarotonga, Cook Islands
Pacific Islands Forum Side Event
Develop Process for Development of GPO Action Plans
Develop Process for Development of GPO Action Plans
As contribution to the Action Plan, several partners launching work on a water quality management (WQM) review of the Caribbean.
Launch Wider Caribbean Region WQM review
The Caribbean Challenge Initiative (CCI), an effort of a number of countries to declare additional actions for marine habitat conservation, and supported by GPO partners such as The Nature Conservancy, will hold a Ministerial meeting in Puerto Rico on March 21st. The meeting could also be an occassion to discuss with interested Governments the process for preparing a GPO Action Plan for the Wider Caribbean, including development of an engagement strategy and then an Action Plan for increased support by partners to the Governments, building on such ongoing initiatives as the CCI.
CCI Ministerial Meeting
Details to be determined - presentation of water quality management study, and consultation on Action Plan.
CCI Event
World Bank Board of Executive Directors approved first tranche of US$750,000 for SW Indian Ocean and Western & Central Pacific, respectively.
Initial round of DGF $ committed
Western & Central Pacific: Parties to the Nauru Agreement Office. SW Indian Ocean: Indian Ocean Tuna Commission.
Agreements with recipients
Review of progress
Second round of DGF $ committed
Roughly $8 million in commitments of financial support for startup received from several donor-partners.
GPO Design Funds Pledged
Details completed for transfer of funds.
GPO Design Funds finalized
On the side of the Annual Meetings, the World Bank and a small group of donor partners met, including representatives from the Governments of Australia, Iceland, New Zealand, Norway and the United States. The meeting was very productive and reiterated that the GPO is very relevant and responsive to the needs for oceans worldwide. To ensure that the partnership is designed in order to address these needs, the meeting provided the following recommendations to the GPO design:· As a priority in the design phase, much more effort needs to be focused now on mobilizing resources with a broad set of donor partners. · Consultations with BRICs and middle income countries should also be an immediate priority. · There were no major issues raised with the technical approach taken in the Framework document, but the meeting noted that the institutional arrangements should be as lean as possible, in order enable rapid response to emerging opportunities for implementation and action.
Bilateral Donor Meeting
Design of GPO Fund initiated
Funding Options Consultation
Circulation of GPO Fund design
GPO Fund Donor Meeting
Meeting of initial GPO Fund Steering Committee