Report for New Profile: Access Statistics Web log analyzer
Time range: 9/4/2012 11:13:42 - 10/31/2012 23:53:30
Generated on Thu Nov 29, 2012 - 14:34:47


Daily Page Access

Most Popular Pages

Most Popular Pages
Page Hits Incomplete Requests Visitors Bandwidth (KB)
1 http://RPro/star/ 2,996 0 1,329 113,251
2 http://RPro/star/publications/ 269 0 61 8,505
3 http://RPro/star/publication/ asset-recovery-handbook/ 59 0 38 2,154
4 http://RPro/star/about-us/ our-vision/ 51 0 33 1,520
5 http://RPro/star/ArabForum/ arab-forum-asset-recovery-0/ 34 0 33 773
6 http://RPro/star/newsroom/ 174 0 31 9,320
7 http://RPro/star/publication/ public-office-private-interests/ 54 0 30 2,097
8 http://RPro/star/about-us/ frequently-asked-questions/ 39 0 27 1,379
9 http://RPro/star/user/ 37 0 23 494
10 http://RPro/star/publication/ puppet-masters/ 50 0 23 1,876
11 http://RPro/star/resources-for-financial-sector/14/ 31 0 23 754
12 http://RPro/star/ar/ArabForum/ first-forum-meeting-0/ 21 0 21 1,260
13 http://RPro/star/resources-for-law-enforcement/15/ 30 0 21 870
14 http://RPro/star/ar/ArabForum/ About/ 22 0 21 637
15 http://RPro/star/ArabForum/ first-forum-meeting/ 20 0 20 957
16 http://RPro/star/events/ 36 0 19 288
17 http://RPro/star/resources-for-government-officials-polic ymakers/13/ 27 0 19 832
18 http://RPro/star/about-us/ key-partners/ 22 0 17 532
19 http://RPro/star/publication/ politically-exposed-persons/ 50 0 17 1,994
20 http://RPro/star/ar/ArabForum/ arab-forum-asset-recovery/ 14 0 14 403
21 http://RPro/star/publication/ barriers-asset-recovery/ 23 0 14 889
22 http://RPro/star/resources-for-development-agencies/12/ 17 0 13 431
23 http://RPro/star/newsletter/ subscriptions/ 12 0 11 223
24 http://RPro/star/contact-us/ 15 0 11 300
25 http://RPro/star/user/2/ 11 0 9 264
26 http://RPro/star/publication/ identification-and-quantification-proceeds-bribery/ 22 0 9 851
27 http://RPro/star/publication/ tracking-anti-corruption-and-asset-recovery-commitments/ 11 0 9 314
28 http://RPro/star/admin-panel/ 45 0 9 2,796
29 http://RPro/star/main-search/ 16 0 8 672
30 http://RPro/star/ArabForum/ library-resources-0/ 10 0 8 313
31 http://RPro/star/publication/ good-practice-guide-non-conviction-based-asset-forfeitur e/ 11 0 8 407
32 http://RPro/star/sitemap/ 7 0 7 139
33 http://RPro/star/moreview/5/ 7 0 7 1
34 http://RPro/star/node/ 114/edit/ 12 0 6 1,739
35 http://RPro/star/admin/ people/ 10 0 6 502
36 http://RPro/star/ar/ArabForum/ country-guides-asset-recovery/ 7 0 6 215
37 http://RPro/star/ar/ArabForum/ مكتبة-الموارد/ 6 0 5 224
38 http://RPro/star/media/ browser/ 26 0 5 301
39 http://RPro/star/publication/ towards-global-architecture-asset-recovery/ 5 0 5 140
40 http://RPro/star/ArabForum/ deauville-partnership-arab-countries-transition/ 5 0 5 99
41 http://RPro/star/node/ 15/edit/ 9 0 5 1,290
42 http://RPro/star/publication/ management-returned-assets/ 6 0 5 179
43 http://RPro/star/admin/ content/ 14 0 5 1,197
44 http://RPro/star/elfinder/ connector/ 47 0 4 241
45 http://RPro/star/ArabForum/ country-guides-asset-recovery-0/ 4 0 4 108
46 http://RPro/star/user/ logout/ 6 0 4 0
47 http://RPro/star/ar/ArabForum/ أدلة-البلدان-لاسترداد-الأموال/ 4 0 4 123
48 http://RPro/star/node/ 42/edit/ 4 0 4 292
49 http://RPro/star/node/ 8 0 4 401
50 http://RPro/star/update.php 42 0 4 88
Subtotal 4,458 0 N/A 164,657
Total 4,928 0 N/A 183,513



Daily File Access

Most Downloaded Files

Most Downloaded Files
File Hits Incomplete Requests Visitors Bandwidth (KB)
1 http://RPro/star/sites/ star/files/Postes-publics-Intérêts-privés-communiqué -de-presse.pdf 7 2 5 253
2 http://RPro/star/sites/ star/files/Public-Office-Private-Interests-Press-Release _1.pdf 7 2 5 253
3 http://RPro/star/sites/ star/files/star_workplan_and_budget_cover_note_0.pdf 5 0 5 1,340
4 http://RPro/star/sites/ star/files/Cargos-públicos-Provecho-privado-Datos-bási cos.pdf 5 0 5 247
5 http://RPro/star/sites/ star/files/Puppet Masters.pdf 4 0 4 17,559
6 http://RPro/star/sites/ star/files/PEPs Spanish.pdf 126 122 4 6,796
7 http://RPro/star/sites/ star/files/GlobalArchitectureFinalwithCover.pdf 4 0 4 3,626
8 http://RPro/star/sites/ star/files/Guide-sur-le-recouvrement-des-avoirs-en-Franc e.pdf 4 0 4 419
9 http://RPro/star/sites/ star/files/Italy-Asset-Recovery-tools-and-procedures-(Ar abic).pdf 4 0 4 476
10 http://RPro/star/sites/ star/files/StAR_Partnership_Charter_0.pdf 5 0 4 1,268
11 http://RPro/star/sites/ star/files/StAR_Barriers Study Press Release_6-13.pdf 4 0 4 337
12 http://RPro/star/sites/ star/files/assets/documents/ Quantitative-Reporting-Form-1209.pdf 4 0 4 827
13 http://RPro/star/sites/ star/files/US-Asset-Recovery-Tools-(Arabic).pdf 4 0 4 5,035
14 http://RPro/star/sites/ star/files/QuantificationEnglishfactsheet.pdf 4 0 4 326
15 http://RPro/star/sites/ star/files/QuantificationArabicfactsheet.pdf 4 0 4 602
16 http://RPro/star/sites/ star/files/StAR FactseetFrench_0.pdf 4 0 4 726
17 http://RPro/star/sites/ star/files/SpanishBARFacts.pdf 4 0 4 996
18 http://RPro/star/sites/ star/files/ARH_press_release.pdf 4 0 4 477
19 http://RPro/star/sites/ star/files/Public-Office-Private-Interests-Fact-Sheet.pd f 3 0 3 139
20 http://RPro/star/sites/ star/files/Public-Office-Private-Interests-Fact-Sheet-Ar abic-translation.pdf 3 0 3 413
21 http://RPro/star/sites/ star/files/Asset Recovery Handbook.pdf 3 0 3 13,832
22 http://RPro/star/sites/ star/files/Public-Office-Private-Interests-Press-Release -Arabic-translation.pdf 3 0 3 422
23 http://RPro/star/sites/ star/files/Public Office Private Interests.pdf 3 0 3 13,525
24 http://RPro/star/sites/ star/files/Politically Exposed Persons_0.pdf 3 0 3 3,346
25 http://RPro/star/sites/ star/files/PEPs Russian.pdf 3 0 3 2,946
26 http://RPro/star/sites/ star/files/Asset-Recovery-in-German-Law-(Arabic).pdf 3 0 3 1,986
27 http://RPro/star/sites/ star/files/Postes-publics-Intérêts-privés-Fiche-d'inf ormation.pdf 3 0 3 146
28 http://RPro/star/sites/ star/files/Asset Recovery Handbook - Russian.pdf 28 25 3 7,837
29 http://RPro/star/sites/ star/files/Anti-corruption-and-Asset-Recovery-commitment s-(Accra).pdf 3 0 3 14,565
30 http://RPro/star/sites/ star/files/StAR_MDTF_Transfer_Agreement_Signed_0_0.pdf 3 0 3 5,102
31 http://RPro/star/sites/ star/files/UK-Guide-to-Asset-Recovery-(Arabic).pdf 3 0 3 1,762
32 http://RPro/star/sites/ star/files/StAR_Results_Matrix_0_0.pdf 3 0 3 267
33 http://RPro/star/sites/ star/files/QuantificationSpanishpressrelease.pdf 3 0 3 119
34 http://RPro/star/sites/ star/files/QuantificationEnglishpressrelease.pdf 4 0 3 157
35 http://RPro/star/sites/ star/files/Arab-Forum-Co-Chairs-Statement-US-Qatar-(Arab ic).pdf 3 0 3 173
36 http://RPro/star/sites/ star/files/QuantificationFrenchpressrelease.pdf 3 0 3 132
37 http://RPro/star/sites/ star/files/QuantificationFrenchfactsheet.pdf 3 0 3 255
38 http://RPro/star/sites/ star/files/Identification et Quantification des Profits de la Corruption.pdf 3 0 3 12,038
39 http://RPro/star/sites/ star/files/Guide-for-Asset-Recovery-in-France-(Arabic).p df 3 0 3 653
40 http://RPro/star/sites/ star/files/ManagementReturnedAssets_0.pdf 17 14 3 1,954
41 http://RPro/star/sites/ star/files/Barriers to Asset Recovery.pdf 3 0 3 14,616
42 http://RPro/star/sites/ star/files/English FactSheet_PuppetMasters_0.pdf 3 0 3 839
43 http://RPro/star/sites/ star/files/Cargos-públicos-Provecho-privado-comunicado- de-prensa.pdf 3 0 3 78
44 http://RPro/star/sites/ star/files/Canada’s-Asset-Recovery-Tools-A-Practical-G uide.pdf 3 0 3 430
45 http://RPro/star/sites/ star/files/EnglishBARFacts.pdf 3 0 3 886
46 http://RPro/star/sites/ star/files/NCB_Russian.pdf 83 80 3 16,706
47 http://RPro/star/sites/ star/files/Global Architecture_Conference Report.pdf 2 0 2 1,784
48 http://RPro/star/sites/ star/files/StAR_Partnership_Charter_1_0.pdf 2 0 2 507
49 http://RPro/star/sites/ star/files/PEPs Executive_Summary.pdf 2 0 2 148
50 http://RPro/star/sites/ star/files/StAR_Brochure PDF_0.pdf 2 0 2 802
Subtotal 415 245 N/A 160,152
Total 479 247 N/A 255,440



Daily Image Access

Most Requested Images

Most Requested Images
Image Hits Incomplete Requests Visitors Bandwidth (KB)
1 http://RPro/star/sites/ star/files/logo-star_0.png 595 1 205 7,132
2 http://RPro/star/sites/ star/files/styles/home-featured/ public/PublicPrivateInterestsCover-callout_0.png 266 1 191 4,637
3 http://RPro/star/sites/ star/files/styles/home-featured/ public/PM-GrandCorruptionCases-callout_0.png 264 1 189 8,623
4 http://RPro/star/sites/ star/files/img_assestRecovery.jpg 265 1 189 2,329
5 http://RPro/star/sites/ star/files/ICHA-Event-Image-callout_1.png 262 1 187 7,281
6 http://RPro/star/sites/ star/files/styles/home-featured/ public/_ministers-ministres_assets_images_g8-flags-drape au-598x160.jpg 261 1 187 1,214
7 http://RPro/star/sites/ star/files/interpol-thumb.jpeg 240 1 171 478
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10 http://RPro/star/sites/ star/files/styles/publication-home-83x116/ public/Puppet-Masters-cover-thumb_0.jpg 278 1 168 500
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19 http://RPro/star/sites/ all/themes/star/images/ head_banner_bg.jpg 281 0 86 3,736
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25 http://RPro/star/sites/ all/themes/star/images/ quote_large_open.png 105 0 70 38
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31 http://RPro/star/sites/ star/themes/star/images/ blockquote_bg.jpg 111 0 62 215
32 http://RPro/star/sites/ star/themes/star/images/ wb-logo.gif 242 0 60 78
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35 http://RPro/star/sites/ star/themes/star/images/ pipe.jpg 235 0 59 22
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37 http://RPro/star/sites/ star/themes/star/images/ quote_large_open.png 110 0 53 16
38 http://RPro/star/sites/ star/themes/star/images/ caseStudies-home.png 83 0 49 53
39 http://RPro/star/sites/ star/themes/star/images/ faq-home.png 87 0 49 66
40 http://RPro/star/sites/ star/files/styles/publication-home-83x116/ public/politically_exposed_thumb.jpg 75 0 39 175
41 http://RPro/star/sites/ star/files/styles/publication-home-83x116/ public/Quantification-Book-Cover-thumb.jpg 71 0 36 85
42 http://RPro/star/sites/ star/files/styles/publication-home-83x116/ public/Accra-Report-image-thumb.jpg 65 0 35 96
43 http://RPro/star/sites/ star/files/styles/publication-home-83x116/ public/management_returned_0.jpeg 65 0 35 94
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47 http://RPro/star/sites/ star/files/styles/publication-home-83x116/ public/global-architecture-thumb.jpg 61 0 33 87
48 http://RPro/star/sites/ all/themes/star/images/ bullet1.png 85 0 30 26
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50 http://RPro/star/sites/ star/files/the-handbook-callout.jpg 42 0 25 363
Subtotal 9,928 17 N/A 56,973
Total 15,155 17 N/A 68,749



Daily Directory Access

Most Requested Directories

Most Requested Directories
Directory Hits Incomplete Requests Visitors Bandwidth (KB)
1 http://RPro/star/ 3,040 0 1,329 113,341
2 http://RPro/star/sites/ star/files/ 2,156 251 290 274,887
3 http://RPro/star/misc/ 8,341 0 261 29,487
4 http://RPro/star/modules/ system/ 4,721 1 228 2,771
5 http://RPro/star/sites/ star/files/styles/home-featured/ public/ 792 3 217 14,476
6 http://RPro/star/modules/ user/ 1,266 0 214 255
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9 http://RPro/star/modules/ field/theme/ 1,106 0 188 112
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11 http://RPro/star/modules/ comment/ 1,216 0 188 48
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33 http://RPro/star/sites/ star/modules/field_group/ 721 0 75 595
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36 http://RPro/star/sites/ star/themes/star/css/ fontKits/ 5,392 0 69 7,938
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38 http://RPro/star/publications/ 269 0 61 8,505
39 http://RPro/star/Data/ assets/images/ 99 0 59 295
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43 http://RPro/star/publication/ asset-recovery-handbook/ 59 0 38 2,154
44 http://RPro/star/ArabForum/ arab-forum-asset-recovery-0/ 34 0 33 773
45 http://RPro/star/about-us/ our-vision/ 51 0 33 1,520
46 http://RPro/star/newsroom/ 174 0 31 9,320
47 http://RPro/star/sites/ all/modules/quicktabs/js/ 98 0 30 35
48 http://RPro/star/publication/ public-office-private-interests/ 54 0 30 2,097
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50 http://RPro/star/about-us/ frequently-asked-questions/ 39 0 27 1,379
Subtotal 70,569 267 N/A 551,432
Total 80,342 267 N/A 608,304


Entry Pages

Daily Entry Pages

Top Entry Pages

Top Entry Pages
Page Visitors
1 http://RPro/star/ 1,297
2 http://RPro/star/publications/ 15
3 http://RPro/star/about-us/ frequently-asked-questions/ 11
4 http://RPro/star/events/ 11
5 http://RPro/star/publication/ public-office-private-interests/ 10
6 http://RPro/star/resources-for-financial-sector/14/ 10
7 http://RPro/star/publication/ asset-recovery-handbook/ 9
8 http://RPro/star/resources-for-government-officials-polic ymakers/13/ 9
9 http://RPro/star/resources-for-law-enforcement/15/ 8
10 http://RPro/star/moreview/5/ 7
11 http://RPro/star/user/ 7
12 http://RPro/star/resources-for-development-agencies/12/ 7
13 http://RPro/star/newsroom/ 7
14 http://RPro/star/about-us/ key-partners/ 7
15 http://RPro/star/publication/ barriers-asset-recovery/ 6
16 http://RPro/star/about-us/ our-vision/ 4
17 http://RPro/star/contact-us/ 4
18 http://RPro/star/ArabForum/ arab-forum-asset-recovery-0/ 4
19 http://RPro/star/newsletter/ subscriptions/ 4
20 http://RPro/star/publication/ puppet-masters/ 4
21 http://RPro/star/moreview/10/ 3
22 http://RPro/star/publication/ politically-exposed-persons/ 3
23 http://RPro/star/sitemap/ 3
24 http://RPro/star/ArabForum/ deauville-partnership-arab-countries-transition/ 3
25 http://RPro/star/node/46/ 2
26 http://RPro/star/moreview/7/ 2
27 http://RPro/star/moreview/6/ 2
28 http://RPro/star/printmail/ publication/good-practice-guide-non-conviction-based-ass et-forfeiture/ 2
29 http://RPro/star/node/49/ 2
30 http://RPro/star/moreview/8/ 2
31 http://RPro/star/moreview/4/ 2
32 http://RPro/star/ArabForum/ library-resources-0/ 2
33 http://RPro/star/ArabForum/ first-forum-meeting/ 2
34 http://RPro/star/ar/ArabForum/ country-guides-asset-recovery/ 2
35 http://RPro/star/publication/ towards-global-architecture-asset-recovery/ 2
36 http://RPro/star/moreview/2/ 2
37 http://RPro/star/publication/ identification-and-quantification-proceeds-bribery/ 2
38 http://RPro/star/ArabForum/ country-guides-asset-recovery/ 1
39 http://RPro/star/publication/ good-practice-guide-non-conviction-based-asset-forfeitur e/ 1
40 http://RPro/star/printmail/ publication/identification-and-quantification-proceeds-b ribery/ 1
41 http://RPro/star/admin/ people/ 1
42 http://RPro/star/printmail/ publication/towards-global-architecture-asset-recovery/ 1
43 http://RPro/star/printmail/ publication/politically-exposed-persons/ 1
44 http://RPro/star/content/ fighting-corruption/ 1
45 http://RPro/star/content/ caught-bribing-foreign-officials/ 1
46 http://RPro/star/elfinder/ connector/ 1
47 http://RPro/star/image_captcha/ 34/1351156293/ 1
48 http://RPro/star/image_captcha/ 25/1350876540/ 1
49 http://RPro/star/ar/ArabForum/ first-forum-meeting-0/ 1
50 http://RPro/star/ar/ArabForum/ deauville-partnership-arab-countries-transition/ 1
Subtotal 1,492
Total 1,505


Exit Pages

Daily Exit Pages

Top Exit Pages

Top Exit Pages
Page Visitors
1 http://RPro/star/ 1,256
2 http://RPro/star/ArabForum/ first-forum-meeting/ 17
3 http://RPro/star/publications/ 16
4 http://RPro/star/about-us/ our-vision/ 13
5 http://RPro/star/publication/ asset-recovery-handbook/ 13
6 http://RPro/star/publication/ public-office-private-interests/ 13
7 http://RPro/star/about-us/ frequently-asked-questions/ 13
8 http://RPro/star/events/ 11
9 http://RPro/star/resources-for-financial-sector/14/ 11
10 http://RPro/star/resources-for-law-enforcement/15/ 10
11 http://RPro/star/about-us/ key-partners/ 8
12 http://RPro/star/resources-for-government-officials-polic ymakers/13/ 8
13 http://RPro/star/publication/ puppet-masters/ 7
14 http://RPro/star/resources-for-development-agencies/12/ 7
15 http://RPro/star/newsroom/ 6
16 http://RPro/star/moreview/5/ 6
17 http://RPro/star/newsletter/ subscriptions/ 5
18 http://RPro/star/ArabForum/ arab-forum-asset-recovery-0/ 5
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20 http://RPro/star/publication/ politically-exposed-persons/ 4
21 http://RPro/star/ArabForum/ deauville-partnership-arab-countries-transition/ 3
22 http://RPro/star/moreview/10/ 3
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24 http://RPro/star/content/ caught-bribing-foreign-officials/ 3
25 http://RPro/star/contact-us/ 3
26 http://RPro/star/moreview/7/ 2
27 http://RPro/star/moreview/6/ 2
28 http://RPro/star/moreview/8/ 2
29 http://RPro/star/update.php 2
30 http://RPro/star/publication/ towards-global-architecture-asset-recovery/ 2
31 http://RPro/star/publication/ identification-and-quantification-proceeds-bribery/ 2
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33 http://RPro/star/person/ emile/ 2
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37 http://RPro/star/admin-panel/ 2
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39 http://RPro/star/moreview/4/ 2
40 http://RPro/star/ar/ArabForum/ deauville-partnership-arab-countries-transition/ 1
41 http://RPro/star/ar/ArabForum/ contact-information/ 1
42 http://RPro/star/ar/ArabForum/ أدلة-البلدان-لاسترداد-الأموال/ 1
43 http://RPro/star/publication/ management-returned-assets/ 1
44 http://RPro/star/content/ are-we-making-progress-stolen-asset-recovery-agenda/ 1
45 http://RPro/star/user/ 1
46 http://RPro/star/user/2/ 1
47 http://RPro/star/users/ tberger/ 1
48 http://RPro/star/ArabForum/ library-resources/ 1
49 http://RPro/star/ar/ArabForum/ arab-forum-asset-recovery/ 1
50 http://RPro/star/admin/ people/expired/ 1
Subtotal 1,487
Total 1,505



Top Paths Through Site
Path Visitors % of Total Visitors
1 /star/ 1,205 80.07%
2 /star/ -> /star/ArabForum/arab-forum-asset-recovery-0/ -> /star/ar/ArabForum/About/ -> /star/ar/ArabForum/arab-forum-asset-recovery/ -> /star/ar/ArabForum/first-forum-meeting-0/ -> /star/ArabForum/first-forum-meeting/ 10 0.66%
3 /star/events/ 10 0.66%
4 /star/publications/ 9 0.60%
5 /star/publication/public-office-private-interests/ 8 0.53%
6 /star/resources-for-financial-sector/14/ 8 0.53%
7 /star/publication/asset-recovery-handbook/ 7 0.47%
8 /star/resources-for-law-enforcement/15/ 7 0.47%
9 /star/about-us/key-partners/ 6 0.40%
10 /star/about-us/frequently-asked-questions/ 6 0.40%
11 /star/resources-for-development-agencies/12/ 6 0.40%
12 /star/resources-for-government-officials-policymakers/13/ 6 0.40%
13 /star/moreview/5/ 6 0.40%
14 /star/ -> /star/ArabForum/arab-forum-asset-recovery-0/ -> /star/ar/ArabForum/About/ -> /star/ar/ArabForum/first-forum-meeting-0/ -> /star/ArabForum/first-forum-meeting/ 5 0.33%
15 /star/newsroom/ 4 0.27%
16 /star/about-us/our-vision/ 4 0.27%
17 /star/publication/puppet-masters/ 3 0.20%
18 /star/newsletter/subscriptions/ 3 0.20%
19 /star/moreview/10/ 3 0.20%
20 /star/contact-us/ 3 0.20%
21 /star/sitemap/ 3 0.20%
22 /star/publication/barriers-asset-recovery/ 3 0.20%
23 /star/ArabForum/deauville-partnership-arab-countries-transition/ 2 0.13%
24 /star/moreview/8/ 2 0.13%
25 /star/ArabForum/first-forum-meeting/ 2 0.13%
26 /star/moreview/6/ 2 0.13%
27 /star/moreview/7/ 2 0.13%
28 /star/publication/identification-and-quantification-proceeds-bribery/ 2 0.13%
29 /star/node/46/ -> /star/about-us/our-vision/ 2 0.13%
30 /star/node/49/ -> /star/content/caught-bribing-foreign-officials/ 2 0.13%
31 /star/publication/politically-exposed-persons/ 2 0.13%
32 /star/publication/towards-global-architecture-asset-recovery/ 2 0.13%
33 /star/ArabForum/arab-forum-asset-recovery-0/ 2 0.13%
34 /star/ -> /star/publications/ -> /star/ -> /star/publication/asset-recovery-handbook/ -> /star/ 2 0.13%
35 /star/ArabForum/library-resources-0/ -> /star/ 2 0.13%
36 /star/ar/ArabForum/country-guides-asset-recovery/ -> /star/ 2 0.13%
37 /star/moreview/2/ 2 0.13%
38 /star/ -> /star/newsroom/ -> /star/ 2 0.13%
39 /star/ -> /star/publication/public-office-private-interests/ 2 0.13%
40 /star/moreview/4/ 2 0.13%
41 /star/node/235/ -> /star/publication/public-office-private-interests/ 1 0.07%
42 /star/content/fighting-corruption/ 1 0.07%
43 /star/newsroom/ -> /star/ 1 0.07%
44 /star/newsroom/ -> /star/about-us/our-vision/ -> /star/resources-for-government-officials-policymakers/13/ -> /star/newsroom/ -> /star/ar/ArabForum/أدلة-البلدان-لاسترداد-الأموال/ -> /star/ar/ArabForum/country-guides-asset-recovery/ -> /star/ar/ArabForum/الاجتماع-الأول-للمنتدى/ -> /star/ar/ArabForum/first-forum-meeting-0/ -> /star/ar/ -> /star/ -> /star/node/236/ -> /star/publication/management-returned-assets/ -> /star/node/240/ -> /star/content/fighting-corruption/ -> /star/node/285/ -> /star/ArabForum/country-guides-asset-recovery-0/ 1 0.07%
45 /star/newsroom/ -> /star/main-search/ -> /star/publication/puppet-masters/ -> /star/publication/public-office-private-interests/ -> /star/newsroom/ -> /star/publications/ -> /star/ -> /star/resources-for-law-enforcement/15/ -> /star/publications/ -> /star/ -> /star/publications/ -> /star/publication/politically-exposed-persons/ -> /star/publications/ -> /star/about-us/our-vision/ -> /star/ -> /star/about-us/our-vision/ -> /star/about-us/key-partners/ -> /star/publications/ -> /star/publication/politically-exposed-persons/ -> /star/publications/ -> /star/publication/politically-exposed-persons/ -> /star/about-us/our-vision/ -> /star/about-us/frequently-asked-questions/ -> /star/publications/ -> /star/about-us/our-vision/ -> /star/publication/politically-exposed-persons/ -> /star/about-us/our-vision/ -> /star/about-us/key-partners/ -> /star/publications/ -> /star/publication/politically-exposed-persons/ -> /star/person/linda-m/ -> /star/publications/ -> /star/publication/politically-exposed-persons/ -> /star/resources-for-financial-sector/14/ -> /star/publication/politically-exposed-persons/ -> /star/ -> /star/person/linda-m/ -> /star/publications/ -> /star/publication/politically-exposed-persons/ -> /star/ -> /star/newsroom/ -> /star/publications/ -> /star/publication/politically-exposed-persons/ -> /star/about-us/our-vision/ -> /star/sitemap/ -> /star/ -> /star/publication/puppet-masters/ -> /star/publications/ -> /star/publication/public-office-private-interests/ -> /star/ -> /star/publications/ -> /star/publication/public-office-private-interests/ -> /star/ -> /star/resources-for-law-enforcement/15/ -> /star/resources-for-financial-sector/14/ -> /star/ -> /star/publications/ -> /star/newsroom/ -> /star/ -> /star/resources-for-financial-sector/14/ -> /star/resources-for-law-enforcement/15/ -> /star/publications/ -> /star/publication/public-office-private-interests/ -> /star/publications/ -> /star/publication/politically-exposed-persons/ -> /star/ -> ... 1 0.07%
46 /star/content/caught-bribing-foreign-officials/ 1 0.07%
47 /star/contact-us/ -> /star/publications/ 1 0.07%
48 /star/printmail/publication/good-practice-guide-non-conviction-based-asset-forfeiture/ -> /star/newsroom/ -> /star/content/no-willful-blindness-corruption/ -> /star/person/emile/ 1 0.07%
49 /star/node/397/ -> /star/publication/tracking-anti-corruption-and-asset-recovery-commitments/ -> /star/ArabForum/first-forum-meeting/ -> /star/node/15/ -> /star/publication/asset-recovery-handbook/ 1 0.07%
50 /star/node/42/ -> /star/about-us/frequently-asked-questions/ 1 0.07%
Subtotal 1,371 91.10%
Total 1,505 100.00%


File Types

Daily File Type Access

Most Requested File Types

Most Requested File Types
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1 css 30,802 3 36,099
2 js 18,709 0 44,503
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