SECURE LOGIN MODULE ------------------- Secure Login module enables secure logins by submitting the login form to a secure host address. The module can also do the same for the user edit, user registration, and other forms, so that passwords and other data are never sent in cleartext. A secure login to Drupal 7 by default generates an HTTPS-only secure session[1], which also prevents session cookies from being sent in cleartext. Note, however, that if you have enabled Drupal's hidden $conf['https'] setting, sessions are shared across HTTP and HTTPS, which makes user sessions vulnerable to session hijacking attacks[2]. Secure Login module is therefore designed for sites that have left $conf['https'] at its default value, FALSE. INSTALLATION ------------ See INSTALL.txt for instructions on how to install and uninstall the module. Before enabling the module, you need to set up your server to support SSL. The result should be that if your Drupal site lives at http://host.domain/dir/, it should also be accessible at https://otherhost.domain/otherdir/ (the secure base URL, which defaults to https://host.domain/dir/). If you use a different URL for the secure site, you must make sure that cookies coming from host.domain can be sent to otherhost.domain. You can change the cookie domain in settings.php. CONFIGURATION ------------- At admin/config/people/securelogin you can set which forms (login, login block, user edit, user registration, node, comment, contact, webform, etc.) are secured by this module. By securing all forms in the "required" group on the settings page, you can ensure that logins are in fact "secure": all authenticated sessions will use SSL-only secure session cookies which are immune to session hijacking by eavesdroppers. UPGRADING FROM DRUPAL 6 ----------------------- Your Secure Login settings should be correctly migrated from Drupal 6 to Drupal 7. Note, however, that the Drupal 7 version of Secure Login does not currently support redirecting a secure authenticated session back to the HTTP site. Doing so would require creating an insecure session, which would be vulnerable to session hijacking and is thus not a secure configuration. DEVELOPER API ------------- This module provides two API functions for developers: - securelogin_secure_form($form) may be added to a hook_form_alter implementation to cause a form to submit to the secure URL. - securelogin_secure_redirect() may be called to redirect the current request to the equivalent path on the secure base URL. In addition, developers may use $form['#https'] = TRUE to indicate that a form should be secured by Secure Login module, and $options['https'] = TRUE to indicate that an HTTPS URL should be generated by the url() function, as well as other functions that use url() internally such as drupal_goto(). [1] [2]